52 Thoughts | Unbranded

You are a person, not a brand.

With the wave of social media has come the notion of branding yourself. Are you a vintage loving surfer mom? A corporate climber who embraces a minimalist approach to life? Are you bohemian? Classically prep? How does your blog capture this persona? Is your Instagram properly curated? Have you maintained consistency with which filters you use? Are these things algorithm friendly?! Who are you? Which boxes do you check? Choose now or forever hold your peace. 

Can we back track a little? Let’s start with branding - actual branding. It’s a searing hot piece of metal pushed onto livestock for the sake of assigning ownership. This is my cow, not yours. 

In a commercial sense, a brand encompasses a product or services. It’s a set of colors and fonts and logos. Maybe a mission statement. This differentiates our product from yours. Our box is blue, yours is brown. We are not the same. We are better. 

So we’re at livestock and products. When did people become brands? Why is this desirable in social media? Because much like the college freshman asked “what do you want to be when you graduate?” the question of WHO ARE YOU? has a different answer everyday. You do not need to become an elevator pitch. The essence of you should never be boiled down into 140 characters. People are not brands. We’re not meant to fall into black and white lines of this or that.

I’ve been decidedly off brand in the past few months. Or at least what makes for pretty fashion blogger posts (I really don’t see myself as such anymore). Posting videos at bad angles, in bad lighting and without makeup. And ya know what? I feel more myself than ever before. And I’ve gotten better feedback than I have in years. Because the real, ever changing version of myself IS the best version of me. And the real YOU is the best too. 

So can I offer an alternative to the perfection and curated posts that are so popular on social media? 

Do whatever possible to avoid boxing yourself up into a pretty package. Imagine yourself instead as a tree. Let your roots dig deep. Establish a strong sense of character. Follow the path that feels right in your gut. Instead of polishing your external attributes, challenge yourself to refine your inner truths and morals. Let yourself stand up and be strong as you grow into the woman you were meant to be. Stretch your arms upwards and outwards. Giving thanks and seek the light. Let yourself unfold and blossom. And when the time comes, be open to changing colors and blowing in new directions. Hibernate and be reborn. And do it over and over again. For all thats good in the world, let yourself share the shiny and the ugly. The joy and the disappointment. The reality of life! 

Forget being trapped by box of being a brand. Darling, you’re so much bigger than that. 

What I Wore | Palazzo Pants

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

WhatIWore: Good Morning! Coming ‘atcha with an internet connection and a new batch of outfit photos. For the past week I’ve been spacing showers a littttle too far and wearing the same tired jean shorts every day. Moving house with two small kids is quite the challenge. A week or so later and I’ve starting to feel more settled! I am so in love with life out here, but me time has been non existent. So yesterday morning, I got showered and hit up Target right when they opened to do a little shopping for myself, then came home, changed and had Adam do outfit photos for me! 

Unlike my unsuccessful journey to the Fashion Mall in Indy, I really did well finding things yesterday! These palazzo pants and sleeveless jacket are two of them! One of the things I’m coming to terms with is that I just like what I like - so even if that means I buy another black and white print or olive jacket - so be it. If one shouldered ruffles aren’t your thing, there’s no need to push the issue, #amirite? 

When: May 23, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Sleeveless Jacket: Target (Mossimo)
Pants: Target (Mossimo) - now on clearance online! 
Sandals: Rockport (gift from previous partnership)

Where: Errands all over town

These pants really surprised me - for a high rise elastic waistband they are really flattering. Bonus points because they’re incredibly comfortable too. And long! I wore them with flats but I could shimmy them down an inch or two at the waist and do with a short heeled sandal too. I paid full price in store, but I saw they’re on clearance online, so run run run to get yours! 

As for the jacket, it’s a great option for nursing mamas who’d like a light layer for modesty and something more than just wearing the same basic tee shirts day after day. 

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

How to Style Palazzo Pants, How to Style a Vest, What to wear with Palazzo Pants, Jessica Quirk, OOTD, What I Wore

Midcentury Farmhouse

Surprise! We bought the farm!! And by farm I mean farmhouse on a little bitta acreage. Adam and I have always had dreams of living with a little more open space to roam. Moving with a newborn and a toddler? Selling a home (or attempting to!) at the same time? Are we crazy?!

Maybe. Probably. Definitely. Yes.

Adam had been asking me while I was pregnant if I’d be open to looking at what was on the market. On our list: 2000 sq feet of house, five or more acres and a good location for schools. We started casually looking when we saw a cute little spot in the country. It had been on the market for four days when we first saw it and I knew the second I stepped in the door that I wanted to call it home. Adam saw it again a couple of days later and we decided we should get some professional opinions on our house price wise to see if we could afford to move. And then we got a call that another offer was on the table. Without pre approval on a loan all we could do was write a letter to the family and share our dream of raising our kids outdoors and growing our own food. They loved the letter but had to do what was right for them and take the full prices offer.

We were crushed but decided to continue moving forward with listing our home and searching for another homestead. Nothing else felt anywhere near as magical as the country house. Or in our budget.

Then on the afternoon we returned from Florida we got a call from the listing agent. The deal on the country house fell through. Did we want to make an offer? Long story short, between racing across town with an earnest check, lots of inspections and questions, we closed on the house this afternoon. We joined a co op for our electricity and water. We’re scoping out plans for chicken coops. We’ve ordered seeds for a late harvest. I’m reading books on growing vegetables for fun! This is happening!!!

We won’t call ourselves farmers just yet. Think LARGE gardens. We’ll start with herbs and flowers (and pumpkins) and chickens. The outdoors are under Adam’s supervision while I get to plan how to paint and decorate a quirky and character filled seventy year old home.

I can’t wait to show you guys around! Welcome to my Midcentury Farmhouse!! I’m planning on getting lots of before pictures before I do any work on the place!  In some ways I wish I had a small fortune for new flooring and a master suite and a deck and and and…but I also like the confines of a tight budget. It forces a little more creativity and patience into the mix. I want to be mindful of all the details and this way, I really get to plan on what I want!

We are so excited about this new chapter in our lives and what it means for our family. Pardon the literal and figurative dust while we get settled! 

What I Wore | Bohemian

Kimono, Anthropologie Kimono, SAHM outfit

Kimono, Anthropologie Kimono, SAHM outfit

WhatIWore: Yesterday morning I was all set to go for the day in my joggers and a tee shirt, and then I scanned through my Instagram and voila! Got some inspiration and decided a real outfit would be fun. Not to say this look is groundbreaking - but it is more pulled together and stylish than glorified work out gear. 

I don’t know what to call this top layer. It’s not a traditional kimono, but it has the feeling of a boudoir piece. I think it feels very bohemian and I love how it ups the ante on mom jeans and a white V neck tee. It’s also one-size-fits-all, so it’s a nice not to worry about a new purchase depending on baby weight. 

When: May 10, 2017

Shades: Karen Walker ‘Super Duper’
Printed Kimono inspired piece: Anthropologie
Tee: American Apparel
Necklace: Madewell (similar here)
Jeans: Point Sur for J.Crew (from last spring - more here)
Sandals: Clarks (from two years ago)

Where: Goodwill! Errands! Lunch! 

LOL. Someone just pointed out that I forgot to take the tags off this piece! I didn’t even notice until now! That’s what you get when you only have 5 minutes to yourself in the morning and then edit your photos late at night after all of the kids are finally asleep. Rest assured, I’m not the kind of blogger that wears clothes for outfit photos and then returns them. I think y'all know that by now. ;)

Kimono, Anthropologie Kimono, SAHM outfit