Beatrix Dot Quirk

Birth Story, Beatrix Birth Story, VBAC success

Welcome to the world, darling daughter! Beatrix Dot Quirk was born on January 11, 2017 after a powerful, peaceful and joyful labor and birth. It was the most emotionally healing experience and best day of my life! 

I didn’t anticipate writing a birth story at all - mainly because with my son Felix I was stuck in my own head and not in the moment for so much of his birth (read about it here). I knew for Bea I wanted to be more present and luckily - that’s exactly what happened! So now that she’s four weeks old and I’ve processed everything, let me tell you more about it!

Birth Story, Beatrix Birth Story, VBAC success

The morning of my 40th week appointment (and two days past my due date) I woke up early to some light contractions that were worth timing - about six minutes apart. They eventually faded enough to fall back asleep. We went to see the doctor as planned and I was at an emotional low after weeks of prodromal contractions (also called “false labor” even though nothing about them feels fake!) The doctor assured us we’d have the baby within a week and offer to sweep the membranes to see if that might jump start things. This is not comfortable. At all. But it worked! Within two hours I was having light contractions every three minutes. I could talk, walk and eat around them so I tried to just go about my day as normal while my sister and her husband came over for lunch and to play with Felix. We called the doctor and he suggested we come in for an exam so around 5pm we made our way to the hospital. 

For my initial check I could tell I wasn’t very far dilated (I asked them not to tell me, for fear of a low number deflating my mood) and I was right. After two hours observation we were sent home to sleep in our beds for the night, which in hindsight was a great decision! I took a warm bath, had a bowl of soup and got a good seven hours of sleep before waking up the next morning to the real deal. 

These contractions were different. I’d call them… primal? Deep into the core of my existence primal. We didn’t waste much time going back to the hospital, which is only a few minutes from our home. I was really emotional - sobbing, shaking, not sure if this baby was minutes or hours away. My doctor was on the floor so he checked to see where we were at and gave my husband a big smile (I still didn’t want to know my progress report unless it was promising). While the nurses helped me get checked in, I asked Adam to just tell me if it was a “good” number or not and he said I was in active labor at 5.5cm dilated. Yes!! It was probably around 8am at that point.

I had intentions of going for an intervention free birth but within an hour or so my leg and hip muscles were so fatigued I told Adam I thought I should have an epidural. He reminded me of my plans but also told me I had the highest pain tolerance of anyone he knew, so if I was serious, we should go for it. We didn’t have a deep conversation at this point, but one of the things that came up was why I really wanted the natural birth in the first place and my answer - bragging rights - later revealed a lot to me. I need to write a full post about it, but let’s just move on for the time being. I decided to get an epidural and I’m so glad I did.

Birth Story, Beatrix Birth Story, VBAC success

Although… it did come with some hiccups. I’m going to make this long story short. The first attempt to place the epidural didn’t work and punctured my dura, so I got more of a spinal block than the numbing of a normal epidural. The doctor removed it and replaced it (at which point I was completely paralyzed from that point down anyway but weirdly felt like I was falling off the bed). When all was said and done, the epidural medication blocked pain but not feeling if that makes any sense. I could wiggle my feet and toes around and eventually move my knees from side to side. I felt the baby moving down down down and pushing and everything, but without any pain. If that sounds amazing, it was, but the side effect was an insanely painful headache after I delivered that lasted a week. Yikes. At the time thought - it was awesome! 

Ok! Back to the labor bit. After my epidural was in place and I was comfortably numb I had another exam and whoa! 9cm. A short while later I was complete and the baby was at +1 station (+4 is delivery). This was around noon and then my doctor had me labor down for a few more hours (medical speak for letting my body just do the work?) I kept feeling like the baby was getting really close and kept asking to be checked and also asked if any babies had ever just slid right out? because that’s what it felt like (for not being able to feel much.)

Physical feelings aside, the main thing I remember from that afternoon was how happy I felt - I had this enormous smile on my face the whole time. I felt so peaceful and joyful - really unlike anything else I’d felt in my life. It was euphoric! 

Around 4pm it was go time.  The nurses called the doctor and as he was getting ready outside of the room, my main nurse was all like “Oh wow! there’s the head, Doctor! Come in here now!” I pushed three times and she shot out all once like a cannonball. The doctor literally had to catch her. And my water didn’t break on it’s own either - the doctor had to do that right before we started the pushing phase (which lasted less than 5 minutes). The quick birth wasn’t without injury (ouch) but with my daughter in my arms (and still really numb) I couldn’t feel a thing. 

Birth Story, Beatrix Birth Story, VBAC success

The numbers are blurry, but I estimate I was in early labor for at least 20 hours before the active phase and then another 10 before her birth. The early contractions were child’s play compared to the intensity of the actual birth day and hallelujah for western medicine. Because of it I didn’t just get through the birth of my daughter - I really loved the experience. 

I held Beatrix for an hour before they did any of the necessary checks and it was the best hour of my life. I will never forget the look on my husband’s face and I will never forget how powerful and healing the experience was for me. It was absolutely one of the best days of my life. 

Birth Story, Beatrix Birth Story, VBAC success

My Funny Valentines

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

How’s everyone hanging in there? We’re pretty good, all things considered. Thanks to help from family and friends, the adjustment from one to two kids has been smooth. Kids! Plural!!! It feels so good to say that.

I have been working on our birth story for Beatrix and I hope to share that within a week or so, but in the meantime, I’m so happy to finally get some snaps with both kiddos at the same time. Let me tell you - not an easy feat! I don’t know how people manage to wrangle a toddler and capture a newborn awake, let alone get a frame with mom smiling, all at once! 

Bea is so tiny that even the newborn stuff is a little big on her (see her candy heart sleeper here). I actually picked up a bunch adorable of 0-3 month Valentine new arrivals (from our longtime blog sponsors, Old Navy - thank you!) to match Felix but we need to do a little growing before she’ll be ready. Promise to post to #WhatBeaWore on Instagram when she fills them out! You can see what pieces I picked out below. 


Felix picked out his own shirt today. I had laid out his “Brother Like No Other” shirt, but this is what he wanted. He also wanted to leave it unbuttoned, but #idontthinkso. He’s becoming such a big boy - so funny and curious with such a hilarious personality. And yes, we had to bribe him with snacks (although I’m happy to report we’ve kicked the TicTac habit completely ;)

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Old Navy new arrivals, valentines clothes for newborns and toddlers, Felix and Beatrix

Thanks to our post sponsors, Old Navy, who have generously provided gift cards to purchase the kids’ clothes you see here. Their new arrivals are online and in stores now, including cute Valentine’s for babies and toddler boys and girls.

Pregnancy Update | Forty Plus One

Greetings from the land of forty weeks pregnant, plus one more day. There’s no rounding down at this point -  I’ve been anticipating January 8th on the calendar for months, then weeks, then days, and now, the page has turned and it’s come and gone. 

These last few weeks are rough. Not just because your body is doing the important work of preparing to give birth, easily one of the most monumental physical occasions in a woman’s life, but because the mental and emotional strain is huge.

This precious time is often overlooked by baby books or doctors. We’re more prepared to have our hospital bags ready early, than to stick around patiently in the last days before our dear babies arrive. I’ve been googling each and every twinge, burp, headache, backache and trip to the bathroom for the past five weeks. Yes, Baby Center, I know contractors and breaking your water means you’re in labor. But what about insane crying jags. Does that mean one more day or one more week? Very thirsty? Could that be a sign of labor? Super tired? Craving egg salad sandwiches with sprouts? 

It. is. exhausting. 

Never mind that we actually have scurried around to get our bags packed, started timing contractions, tallied up the “you might be in labor when…” signals only to have everything cool down and fizzle out. The first time was at 35 weeks, which my doctor casually brushed off as the stomach bug that was going around (he was right). On New Years Day we took a walk through the woods as a family of three and it felt like it would be a beautiful day to have a baby! Eight minutes, then six, the contractions kept rolling. Then stopped. Then yesterday, while at the grocery, I had to lean over the salami counter to get through a contraction. More excited than fearful, my husband and I looked at each other with a wave of finally!!! written all over our faces. 

It’s so hard not to overanalyze each and every little thing or to consider ways to induce labor. It’s hard to be content at 40 weeks pregnant. 

Harder yet is managing all of the well meaning, but incredibly frustrating questions about how you’re feeling, are you in labor, is the baby there yet? which are all from a place of love but make you feel like you’re on deadline for something entirely out of your control. I wish women weren’t given due dates and instead birth months and kept wondering. The counting down, arranging for help with older kids, and being pregnant when no wants to be on call (Christmas Eve, New Years Eve) all add to the pressure pregnant women internalize. Even the most balanced woman is on jet fueled hormonal cocktail that makes her want to throw dishes across the room and punch things (errr… maybe just me). 

A week ago I was sent this great article, written by a midwife, about the precious time between pregnancy and labor. She uses the German word, zwischen, meaning between, to describe these days and weeks. I found reading it to be incredibly helpful. Maybe you will too. Here’s the link

But she’s still in there, still getting ready. Because I’m attempting a natural VBAC, my doctor won’t use any medical resources (read: drugs) to induce, so I’ve researched what may work that I can do at home. And every day, I decide to just wait it out a little longer. To just let my body and by baby make the call. To get out of my own head. The world of medicine seems so scientific, but the mystery of going into spontaneous labor is just that - a mystery. We will wait and see. 

What I Wore | Bon Voyage

Eight Months Pregnant, Maternity Outfit, Dress the Bump, Winter maternity, Cute Winter Outfit, Leopard Coat, vintage leopard Coat, Cheetah

Eight Months Pregnant, Maternity Outfit, Dress the Bump, Winter maternity, Cute Winter Outfit, Leopard Coat, vintage leopard Coat, Cheetah

Eight Months Pregnant, Maternity Outfit, Dress the Bump, Winter maternity, Cute Winter Outfit, Leopard Coat, vintage leopard Coat, Cheetah

What I Wore on Instagram

WhatIWore: Good morning everyone!  I’m putting together what I think will be my last maternity (and outfit!) post of the year. Even though I’ve been through this rodeo before, I swear I might be going into labor every night around 9 o’clock. It’s exhausting! I still need to pack a hospital bag and install the car seat, but otherwise I think I’m ready. I’m also ready to hang up my blogging cap for a while so I can savor these last days and weeks with just me and Felix and…it’s the end of my sitter’s semester so I won’t have the extra help!! All fine by me! I have so many things I want to write about, so I might start some drafts to publish here and there. We shall see! (You can also keep with me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter in the meantime.)

When: December 8, 2016

Hat: Self Made
Coat: Vintage
Sweater: Motherhood Maternity
Maternity Jeans: Jessica Simpson at Destination Maternity
Over the Knee Boots: Halogen at Nordstrom

Where: Coffee Shop

In today’s post I’m wearing a sweater that I’ve put on repeat plus maternity jeans and my over the knee boots. These were such a good purchase - I feel like that take any outfit and update the look. The coat is a vintage piece I picked up three or so years ago at an antique furniture store believe it or not! The boxy cut still gives me room to button at least the top buttons, which is great! 

Finally, as cliché as it feels to write, I wanted to end the year with a note of thanks to the warm group of readers who have really felt like friends to me this year. Over the many years of blogging I’ve had my share of trolls and hurtful comments, but this year feels different. I’ve felt supported and encouraged and during a time when I’m so emotionally vulnerable with my pregnancy, all of those comments and emails you’ve left have made a positive impact on me.  I hope you’ll return after my maternity absence and between now and then, Happy Holidays!! 

What I Wore on Facebook

Eight Months Pregnant, Maternity Outfit, Dress the Bump, Winter maternity, Cute Winter Outfit, Leopard Coat, vintage leopard Coat, Cheetah

Eight Months Pregnant, Maternity Outfit, Dress the Bump, Winter maternity, Cute Winter Outfit, Leopard Coat, vintage leopard Coat, Cheetah